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This is a map of Bandarban, You can Show street map of Bandarban, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Bandarban (Bengali: ) is a district in South-Eastern Bangladesh, and a part of the Chittagong Division and Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bandarban is regarded as one of the most attractive travel places in Bangladesh. Bandarban (meaning the dam of monkeys), or in Marma or Arakanese language as "Rwa-daw Mro" is also known as Arvumi or the Bohmong Circle (ဗိုလ္င္းေထာင္) (of the rest of the three hill districts Rangamati is the Chakma Circle (သက္ေထာင္) and Khagrachari is the Mong Circle (ဖလံေထာင္)). Bandarban town is the home town of the Bohmong Chief (currently King, or Raja, Aung Shwe Prue Chowdhury ဗိုလ္င္းၾကီး ဦးေအာင္ေရႊျဖဴ) who is the head of the Marma population. It also is the administrative headquarter of Bandarban district, which has turned into one of the most exotic tourist attractions in Bangladesh since the insurgency in Chittagong Hill Tracts has ceased more than a decade back.[citation needed]









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