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This is a map of Carndonagh, You can Show street map of Carndonagh, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Carndonagh (Irish: Carn Domhnach) is a town on the Inishowen peninsula in County Donegal, Ireland. The town is located near Malin Head, the most northerly point of Ireland and lies close to the shores of Trawbeaga Bay. Carndonagh is the main market town on the peninsula and is the site of the Donagh Cross, which belonged to an early Christian monastery founded by St. Patrick for Bishop MacCairthan, brother of the bishop of Clogher.[citation needed] The original Irish name, Carn Domhnach, means the burial mound of the church. The town is laid out around a central square, or Diamond, and is dominated by its Italianate Catholic church. It is also home to Carndonagh Community School, formerly the largest community school in Ireland. It is a small but pretty town consisting of cafés, pubs, a variety of shops and a nightclub. Carndonagh has a community of active musicians, artists and writers and is home to the Inishowen Carnival Group and the Inishowen Gospel choir (both international performers).









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