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Gujranwala (Punjabi, Urdu: گوجرانوالہ ) is an industrial city in the north-east of the Punjab province. It is the 7th largest city in Pakistan with a population of approximately 2,661,360 as on 24 June 2011 (Extrapolated from a population of 1,415,711 in 2006 and a population of 2,569,090 on February 4, 2011). Gujranwala is located at 32.16° North, 74.18° East and is 226 metres (744 ft) above sea level. It shares borders with Ghakhar Mandi, Alipur Chatha, kamonke and some small towns and villages. Punjabi is the local language, but English and Urdu are also common, particularly in schools and offices. Due to extensive road and rail links the city has flourished within the manufacturing and agricultural markets. The city is on the Grand Trunk Road, which allows logistical connections to the provincial capitals such as Peshawar and Lahore and also to the capital of Pakistan Islamabad.It is in between Lahore and [Gujrat,Wazirabad]. its small and medium industries. Gujranwala is known for its extensive production of sugarcane, melons and grains for international export.Gujranwala exports one of the world's finest quality Rice. The city has set up several commercial and industrial centres allowing the manufacturing of ceramics,Fans,electrical switch gears,engineering tools,Agricultural/earth moving machinery, steel, cutlery, crockery, iron safes, metal tool, utensils, textiles,Wollen Sweaters, sanitary Fittings and tannery production. The city has produced some of the finest wrestlers and bodybuilders of the subcontinent, which has resulted in the nickname 'City of wrestlers' or Phelwana da shehar in Punjabi. The city is also the birthplace of the legendary Sikh warrior-king, Ranjit Singh.









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