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This is a map of Karad, You can Show street map of Karad, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Karad is a small town and a municipal council in Satara district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It lies at the confluence of Koyna River and the Krishna River. The two rivers originate at Mahabaleshwar, which is around 100 km from Karad. They diverge at their origin, and travel for about the same distance to meet again in Karad. The rivers meet exactly headon, thus forming letter "T". Their confluence is called Preeti Sangam, meaning Lovely Meeting. Karad is well known for sugar production and is known as the sugar bowl of Maharashtra owing to the presence of many sugar factories in and around Karad. It has many prestigious educational institutes such as Government College of Engineering, Government College of Pharmacy and the Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences and hotels such as Hotel Sangam and Hotel Pankaj.









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