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Kilkee (Irish: Cill Chaoi, meaning "Church of Chaoineadh Ita - lamentation for Ita") is a small coastal town in County Clare, Ireland. It is located midway between Kilrush and Doonbeg on the N67 road. The town, one of the most famous resorts in Ireland, is particularly popular as a seaside resort with people from Limerick City. It has been a resort since the early 19th century when it was featured on the front page of the Illustrated London News as the premier bathing spot in what was then the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The town retains some of its 19th-century Victorian feel, and also features many modern amenities. The horseshoe bay is protected from the Atlantic Ocean weather by the Duggerna Reef. Kilkee has regularly been awarded the Blue Flag by the European Commission. In 2006, a statue of Richard Harris was unveiled in Kilkee by actor Russell Crowe who spoke very highly of the town saying it had some of the best public walks in the world. Summer holidays in 1950s Kilkee are evocatively described in Homan Potterton's memoir, Rathcormick (2001).









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